Leicester City confirmó la muerte de su dueño
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El Leicester City confirmó la muerte de su dueño Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha después del accidente que sufrió el helicóptero en el que viajaba.

La aeronave en la que viajaban el dueño del equipo y sus acompañantes se estrelló a las afueras del King Power Stadium.

El club inglés confirmó la noticia mediante un comunicado publicado en las redes sociales del Leicester City.

Puedes leer: El helicóptero del dueño del Leicester City se estrelló.

Te interesa: Cinco personas viajaban en el helicóptero del dueño del Leicester City.

El Leicester City confirmó la muerte de su dueño que sufrió un grave accidente aéreo tras el partido entre los Foxes y el West Ham el sábado.

El tailandés Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha murió a los 60 años de edad y era propietario del equipo desde el 2010.

Srivaddhanaprabha era muy querido por todo el plantel, la afición de los Foxes y será recordado por siempre como una persona cercana a su afición y al equipo.

Junto a él fallecieron otras cuatro personas que se encontraban a bordo del helicóptero que despegó del King Power Stadium.


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Club Statement: Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha. It is with the deepest regret and a collective broken heart that we confirm our Chairman, Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, was among those to have tragically lost their lives on Saturday evening when a helicopter carrying him and four other people crashed outside King Power Stadium. None of the five people on-board survived. The primary thoughts of everyone at the Club are with the Srivaddhanaprabha family and the families of all those on-board at this time of unspeakable loss. In Khun Vichai, the world has lost a great man. A man of kindness, of generosity and a man whose life was defined by the love he devoted to his family and those he so successfully led. Leicester City was a family under his leadership. It is as a family that we will grieve his passing and maintain the pursuit of a vision for the Club that is now his legacy. A book of condolence, which will be shared with the Srivaddhanaprabha family, will be opened at King Power Stadium from 8am on Tuesday 30 October for supporters wishing to pay their respects. Supporters unable to visit King Power Stadium that wish to leave a message can do so through an online book of condolence, which will be made available via lcfc.com in due course. Both Tuesday’s First Team fixture against Southampton in the EFL Cup and the Development Squad fixture against Feyenoord in the Premier League International Cup have been postponed. Everyone at the Club has been truly touched by the remarkable response of the football family, whose thoughtful messages of support and solidarity have been deeply appreciated at this difficult time.

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